Have questions regarding a Candida Diet?
I've put together my most frequently asked questions over the past 8 years to help make the transition to a candida diet as easy as possible for you.
Can I eat Fermented Foods?
Can I drink Coffee on a Candida Diet?
Why should Erythritol be avoided?
How long should I do a Candida Cleanse for?
Is salad dressing okay?
Is pork okay on the candida diet if it's grass-fed?
What about oats?
Are chickpeas and hummus okay on a candida cleanse?
I have candida but I also have leaky gut.
What about popcorn?
I'm vegan, why should tofu be avoided?
Can I drink alcohol?
Additional Candida Diet Resources
Ready to get started?
Join my FREE 5 day Candida Diet Pantry Revamp and learn how to get your pantry stocked with all the right stuff.